"The simpler you make things,
the richer the experience becomes."
Steve House
EXOLITE is a development partner
that takes a human-centered and alpinist approach
to helping organizations develop better products and experiences,
and bringing them to the market.
Everything we do at EXOLITE should come back to these three core values.
These are clear and strong core values that guide us and represent who we are.
We help you identify the markets to go, and how to be unique and successful with your product offerings there.
We train you – in theory and in the field – on adapting to new realities.
EXOLITE is based on the idea of puristic and functional solutions.
The simpler you make things, the richer the experience becomes.
EXO is greek for outside, and LITE describes our philosophy of going light, puristic and simple for a better experience.

Design Development.
Develop Design.
The EXOLITE people are specialists in a variety of fields. Our professional backgrounds range from business, to academic, to professional athletism. We emphasize diversity as it is a central resource to constructing the future.
To protect our core competence team, we do not disclose staff info on our R&D and design people.

- Owner/Founder
- Strategy Development
- Innovation Processes
- Brand Development
- Product Life Cycles
- Analysis, Market Research

- Moderation
- Media/PR
- Process Management

- Finance
- Controlling
- Project Management

Manage innovation
to drive value creation.
Conceptual Approach
ExoLite builds upon four columns: Product Development, Strategy, Training and Alpine Competence.
Strategy is about shaping the future. Much like any alpinistic venture, it is a plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty. We help you break down your venture to the two essential decision levels: Where to play. And how to win.
What we bring to the table is extensive product know-how and alpine competence. We involve in the field-testing of your developments, and deliver maximum user credibility through a deep understanding of the markets.
We take responsibility in successfully launching new products, through internal and external training. We make the product choices logic and explicit, and create the settings and experiences to bring them to the markets.
Clients / Industries / Cases
G3 Genuine Guide Gear Inc. (Canada)
Kante Scharf (Austria)
iFlow GmbH (Austria)
Kästle GmbH (Austria)
Bergwelten / Red Bull Media House (Austria)
Sporting Goods
Investment Companies
New Product Development
Stage Gate Process
Innovation Management
Product Life Cycle
Consumer Segmentation
Competitive Analysis
Product Launch PR
Product Lauch Events
New Client: Bergwelten / Red Bull Media House

"Your Turn."
Toolbox: Product Diffusion and Adoption
What for do you need the best product, if nobody is going to purchase or use it?
When new innovations are launched, it's necessary to know how the innovation will diffuse and which factors will increase the success of your innovation.
Whereas adoption theory deals with the question why a consumer is going to adopt a new and innovative product, the diffusion theory analyses the spread of innovations and describes those factors that identify success or failure.
The most determining factor is the innovation itself, the so called “object attributes” which consist of seven major parts:
- relative advantage
- technological compatibility
- trialability
- communicability
- price
- perceived risks
- brand image
The developed model gives you the opportunity to compare your product with each other and describes significant unique positioning attributes.
Our model was academically developed by Roman Kuss and tested on a ski industry case. EXOLITE has been successfully using the model since for various clients.
Informationspflicht lt. §5 E-Commerce Gesetz, §14 Unternehmensgesetzbuch
bzw. §63 Gewerbeordnung und Offenlegungspflicht lt. §25 Mediengesetz.
Firmenname: Exolite
Straße: Nikolaus-Gassner-Straße 63/9
PLZ / Ort: 5710 Kaprun
Firmengericht: Landesgericht Salzburg
UID-Nr.: ATU 687 213 23
Telefon: +43 (0) 664 / 128 43 36
E-Mail: office@exolite.at
Konzept & Design K|12 Designbüro
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